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I'm just trying to figure out this journey we call life

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Not only do I fail, I also suck :)

So, I haven't blogged since Saturday. That is why I fail and suck at the same time. I'm not sure why, I just haven't felt in a very internet mood. I haven't boothed or written in my diary or anything. I've just been drained. So yeah, time for an update.

So, Sunday was made up of church, homework and revision. Not interesting at all really. I can't think of anything else that happened that day really. So yesterday was Monday and I really really did not want to get up, I just kept going back to sleep. School is bad for me. The day was okay, it was just school. I showed off my prom dress quite a lot and just did what I did. Singing Solar Eclipse of the heart in physics was probably the highlight of the day.

Today was averagley rubish, as Tuesdays usually are. The day dragged on, I had double music and just did what I had to do. Nothing much happened at all really. We did have a talk about Warrington disability partnership with a girl who is the young ambassador for it and that is something that I would really like to get involved with. The girl who did it is recovering from anorexia and is quite inspirational really. I would really like to get involved with volenteering with disabled people, children especially. The only downside was that they made it seem like you had to have some kind of disability to get involved with it. I know they didn't mean for it to come across like that, it just did. Oh well, I'm on my way to getting involved with volenteering in the summer. So its all good!

Today was awesome because: I hit 88 followers on twitter, both numbers are the same. Don't really know why, it just pleases me.

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